Make it novel

Create a fundraising event that’s uniquely “you”

It’s easy to bring your fundraising idea to life

Get your friends, family, colleagues together and do your own thing to raise funds. Name the appeal and set your donation goal.

We’re always here to help make your fundraising event a big success.

Get started

We’re always here to help make your fundraising event a big success.

Join as a team


It is not often that children beg their parents to be allowed back to school, but that’s exactly the motivation behind a suburban Brisbane car wash at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

When COVID-19 temporarily closed schools, the children from Chapel Hill decided to raise funds for the RBWH Foundation Coronavirus Action Fund. They wanted the money to speed up research into a possible treatment.

With neighbours, friends and family members remaining in their cars to maintain social distancing, the group hosed and scrubbed to fundraise for medical research..

There was only one problem - due to their height, they couldn't clean the car roofs!

Set up your event

1. Create an account

Input your details.

2. Create a fundraising page

Give your fundraising page a name, establish a fundraising target and then set a profile picture.

3. Kickstart your fundraising

Share your fundraising page with your network so that supporters can donate directly to your fundraising appeal.

Other ways to fundraise

Tailor your event to suit your goals.

Fundraiser running on a treadmill

Make it active

Everyone loves a challenge. Set a personal best, a team goal or get everyone involved for a fun race or event.

Make it a celebration

Celebrate your special occasion, ask for donations in lieu of gifts. A simple and joyous way to fundraise.

Make it a tribute

A beautiful way to remember someone special. Create a personalised tribute page and invite family and friends to donate in loving memory of your loved one.

WeCU family support program

Help us reduce trauma for loved ones of Intensive Care patients. This unique pilot program provides care, comfort and practical advice to families, but more funding is required to continue the program.