Backpack Beds for Homeless Patients
2022 Extraordinary Opportunities Grant
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Project description
This project provides street swags to homeless patients lacking accommodation post-hospital discharge.
Why this work is needed
There is a major accommodation crisis and shortage of affordable housing in Queensland at the moment.
Homeless patients often face dire conditions post-discharge due to this crisis.
Street swags offer vital protection from the elements, filling a crucial gap in resources.
Expected outcomes
By providing 20 street swags, the project has already benefited 12 patients, offering immediate shelter and improving their transition out of hospital.
These swags serve as a temporary solution while patients seek long-term housing options, promoting safety and dignity.
Meet the Project Leader

James Ready
Emergency and Trauma Centre Social Work Team Leader
RBWH Social Work Services
James Ready
James Ready is the social work team leader in the Emergency and Trauma Centre at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. He has over 18 years’ experience working in hospital social work departments with specialist knowledge in maternity, substance use, child protection and paediatric cardiology. James previously worked at the Mater Hospitals and Queensland Children’s Hospital.
James has worked in the Emergency and Trauma Centre for the past five years and leads a specialist team of social work clinicians who provide expert care for patients experiencing domestic and family violence, sexual assault, homelessness, sudden illness and trauma.
James co-authored his first peer reviewed article in 2022 on the role of hospital social work during the COVID-19 pandemic. He has special interests in trauma, wellbeing, domestic and family violence, and disaster management.