RBWH Foundation Grant Round 4

RBWH Foundation Grants are made possible through the extraordinary power of giving.

Applications now open - click here.

The RBWH Foundation is proud to announce that Grant Round 4, supporting extraordinary opportunities for patient care and life-saving research, will be open for submissions from 1 March to 2 April 2025. 

The RBWH Foundation is seeking applications from Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH), Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS), Metro North Institutes, and the Office of the Chief Executive of Metro North Health based at the Herston Health Precinct.  

With up to $350,000 allocated to Research and up to $150,000 allocated to Patient Care, this is an extraordinary opportunity not to be missed, regardless of how small, or how ambitious, your project may be. Your application will be assessed by reviewers and an Advisory Panel with expertise representing different service lines across RBWH and STARS. They will evaluate the applications against the aspects of the Scoring Criteria, developed in collaboration with stakeholders from the Herston Health Precinct.  

This grant round has been made possible through the extraordinary power of giving to the RBWH Foundation  

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Whether you are a first-time applicant or an experienced research clinician, we are interested to know when and how the RBWH Foundation has supported, or can support your career.

Information for Applicants:

Key Dates

Applications open for submission
Start date 1 March 2025
End date 2 April 2025

Review Period
Mid April - Mid May 2025

Outcome Notification
Mid June 2025

Award Presentation
24 July 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

For detailed information, please refer to the Application Guidelines.  

How do I submit my application for the RBWH Foundation Grant Round 4?

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Submission is online through the website rbwhfoundation.grantplatform.com. Email or other forms will not be accepted. Submissions after the deadline 2 April 2025 will not be accepted. There are two application forms available at the grants platform home page:  Patient Care and Research.  

How many applications can someone submit?

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Lead Applicants can submit one application; duplicates are blocked by the platform. However, a Lead Applicant of a project can be a collaborator in multiple applications.

I applied for the RBWH Foundation Grant Rounds 1, 2 and/or 3 but I was unsuccessful. Can I apply for Round 4 with the same project/initiative?

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What’s the definition of Early Career Applicant used by the RBWH Foundation for this grant round?

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An Early Career Applicant is generally an individual within 8 years of completing their higher degree (MPhil, PhD or equivalent; however, this is inclusive of those who may not hold a research higher degree) or of commencing active research as a project leader. We do not require a track record or curriculum vitae to be uploaded, if you select ‘Early Career’, you will be prompted to provide information about your mentorship and what qualifies you as an Early Career applicant. 

How many collaborators can I have? Do they need to sign/endorse my application?

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There is no limit to the number of collaborators. You will be requested to confirm that all collaborators listed have been informed and are supportive of your application. We do not require the collaborators signature or endorsement as part of the submission process.

How do I obtain endorsement from my Business Manager and Service Line Director?

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This step will be facilitated by the applicant filling the name and email addresses of their appropriate Business Manager (BM) and Service Line Director (SLD). Upon submission completion, the grants’ platform will automatically notify BM and SLD that their endorsement is required. There is no need of their signature in any document; everything will be done via the grants’ platform.

What criteria will be used to assess applications?

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Applicants should read the Application Guidelines to view the submission information required. Applications will be assessed on information you provide (see Scoring Criteria).  

Should I select Patient Care or Research application form?

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  • Select Patient Care application form if your application aims to improve patients and their families/visitors experience, environment, wellbeing and/or satisfaction.  
  • Select Research application form if your application poses a question/aims to address a hypothesis and/or requires Ethics Approval and/or it evaluates quality improvement of clinical care.  

I’m currently a recipient of a grant funded by the RBWH Foundation (2022 Extraordinary Opportunities or 2023 RBWH Foundation Grant Round 1 or 2024 RBWH Foundation Grant Round 2). Can I submit a new application for Round 4? 

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No, recipients can only hold one active grant at a time. Grant recipients with existing funding from the 2022 Extraordinary Opportunity Grant Round or RBWH Foundation Grant Rounds 1, 2, or 3 are not eligible to apply as a Lead Applicant.

Who’s eligible to apply for an RBWH Foundation Grant Round 4?

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The Lead Applicant needs to hold an appointment with RBWH, STARS or a Metro North Health Institute located on the Herston Health Precinct (see guidelines). The proposed Research project or Patient Care initiative needs to be primarily based and benefit patients at RBWH and/or STARS. For Research projects, priority will be given to Early Career Applicants.

I’m running and/or starting a large project or initiative that costs more than the $50,000 capped by the RBWH Foundation. Can I request part of my total budget in my application to the RBWH Foundation Grant Round 4?

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Yes, you can still apply. In the ‘Project/Initiative’ tab, you will need to indicate whether it is an existing or new project. If the former, provide justification. In the ‘Budget’ tab, you will need to break down the total costs of your project/initiative, and clearly specify how much of the budget you are requesting from the RBWH Foundation.

What type of Supporting Material can I provide?

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Supporting Materials include but are not limited to:  

  • Research projects require Ethics/SSA/Governance approval or exemption. You can provide them if you already have these documents available. It is not mandatory to have them at the time of the application submission, but if you’re successful, you’ll be requested to provide them before funds are transferred. 
  • Equipment quotes.  
  • Staff FTE information.  
  • Other documentation you think might assist your application. 

DO NOT use this space to:  

  • Provide further information about the scope or background of your project/initiative nor references (these can be provided within Research/Patient Care plan). 
  • Provide Lead Applicant and/or collaborators track records, publications, or curriculum vitae. 

What is expected of me as a grant recipient if I am successful? 

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As a grant recipient you are expected to: 

  • Ensure the project/initiative expenditure is in accordance with the approved application budget. 
  • Appropriately acknowledge and recognise that the project/initiative was made possible by the RBWH Foundation and our generous donors.
  • Be available to engage with donors and community partners in an Ambassadorial/ Advocate role.
  • Submit a progress report, and final report through the online grant platform.
  • Provide a financial acquittal upon project completion, with any unspent funds returned to the RBWH Foundation. 

The RBWH Foundation advances life-saving research and patient care through the extraordinary power of giving.
If you would like to support the RBWH Foundation, you can donate here.