Giving Day 2024 Community Fundraising

By Reece Crawford

21st August, 2014. My life changed forever. 

I was making my way home from a previous job, riding my moped, when a van coming the opposite direction turned across my path. I couldn't avoid the impact. When the ambulance arrived I was comatose and my blood oxygen saturation was 12%, I was intubated and taken to the Royal Brisbane where I woke 12 days later. 

I had sustained a severe traumatic brain injury, among other injuries, and had to learn to walk again, talk again, eat again, everything. I was cared for by the team at the Royal Brisbane for 49 days before going to the brain injury rehabilitation unit at the Princess Alexandra for 50 days.

I wouldn't have my life without the Royal Brisbane. My children, who were four and one at the time of my accident, wouldn't have a living father without the Royal Brisbane. 

This year, starting on the 11th of June and ending 24 hours later during Royal Giving Day, I will be running a treadmill challenge on the Royal Brisbane's ground floor. I will run a 6.71km 'lap' starting on the hour every hour, for 24 hours. This will add up to a grand total of 100 miles. 

Your donations would be amazing, and will help improve the tomorrow of the next unfortunate person who finds themselves in the position I found myself in. 

All money donated to my fundraising page will assist in advancing life-saving research and patient care at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.

Click 'Donate' to make a secure online donation and help me reach my goal. Every donation, big or small, will help me get there. Please donate today.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a tax-deductible receipt via email as soon as you make your donation.

Thank you so much for your support!

My Achievements

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Started Fundraising

Self Donation

Added a Blog

Half way to Fundraising Target

Achieved Fundraising Target

My Updates

Nutrition and hydration

Sunday 2nd Jun
I got out last Sunday for six hours of backyard ultra laps, mainly to put my nutrition and hydration strategies to the test and was shown that I needed to eat and drink more, my H2O, sodium and carbohydrate intake would need to increase dramatically. 

A few emails later the team at Koda Nutrition stepped in and have donated an enormous amount of energy gels and electrolyte mixes, I am much more confident now about having the energy to push through. Not 100% confident, but more confident than I was. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Tap 2 Donate


Lily Black

On behalf of Lily B, Lilly D, Sharni, Finn and Ally from 9AS we are extremely proud of you Reece and we hope our donation helps you! You have all of 9AS supporting you! GOOOO REECE!!!


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Van Der Merwe Clan

Reece, we stand in awe of what you've accomplished so far, from the time of your accident. You've made a remarkable recovery. We love the fact that you are so passionate about helping others and wanting to give back 'life' to them, by fund raising and running 100 miles! It is awesome that you are able to work at the Royal Brisbane and that you help others that are going through the same trauma that you have been through. You're using a very challenging time in your life to the good of others, that is so amazing! Good luck with the running, the entire Van Der Merwe clan is cheering you on!


Cath And Ben

Go Reece!! What a fantastic effort.



You are a champion and inspiration. Great work mate.



You’ve got this Reece!


Steve And The Watkins Family

Congratulations Reece, that was such an amazing achievement.


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Flora Di Lizio

Thank you for looking after for my mother Elda Di Lizio


Nigel & Paulette Moser

Well done Reece..


Donny Crawford

Congratulations keep up the good work luv Dad & Sue.


David Jones

Wishing you all the best in this run Reece!


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Craig Fraser

Truly inspirational. Your whole family is.


Jonah Rhodes

Great work Reece! - from Jonah and Rach


Charles Chambers

Love your work mate


Ann Crawford

Good luck, love you. Mum


Emma Hull

You are such a weapon Reece!! So incredibly proud to work along side you!! You got this!!


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Good luck Reece!


Margaret Cahill

Fabulous effort Reece! In awe...


Tom Ross

Hope you get chafe


Ellie Hawkins

100 for 100! Go Reece!


Prue Mcrae

Keep running Reece!


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Jennifer Watterson

You are a true legend bro so proud of you how lucky I am to have shared runs with you


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Karen Hannah


Andrew Statham

Run hard Reece


Angela Vivian

You’re amazing Reece! I had no idea seeing you around the wards that had happened to you! Well done for your fantastic efforts


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Beth Cunningham

Go Reece!!!


Sarah Cody

Rocking it Reece!


The Hockings

Incredible work Reece! From the Hockings


Justine Giddy

Youre an inspiration Reece


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Matt Stirrat

Awesome effort - was good to join you for a couple of hours on the graveyard shift


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Mardi Fielding


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Laura D

Go Reece! You've got this


Darren Mcmillan

Great work Reece. You’re an inspiration!


Hayley Caton

Hi Reece - you are an amazing supporter of the RBWH Foundation and the Royal Brisbane. I'm looking forward to seeing you in action (and joining you for a few kms on the treadmills) on Royal Giving Day.


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Liana De Michele

Amazing work Reece!


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Willow Mandirigma

The dude that challenged you with a dance in the foyer ! Wishing you all the best ❤️ you’re an inspiration


Catherine Willis

So proud of you Reece


Peter Donahoo




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Chloe Pearce

You’ve got this Reece! Backing you all the way!


Juliette Mcaleer

You’ve got this LEGEND!!! See you on Giving Day!! 🙌🏃🏻‍♀️🤩


Matched Donation


Donna Buckley

Reece, you are a wonderful inspiration to everyone as to what you can achieve after a life changing event.


Louise Oriti

Go Reece!!!!


Jackson Family

You are amazing!!


Mike Reilly

See you at 4am


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Executive Fundraising (rbwh Level 14)






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Sam Hagan

GO REECE!! You've got this!



Reece! You are amazing - thank you for what you do.


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Andrew Mclennan

Good luck Reece!


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Kareen Stringer



Karen Cloherty

When you are given a second chance like this. It is for a much bigger reason that just raising funds. But it is a an amazing step (pardon the pun) of gratitude. All the very best for the future


Heidi White


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Trevor Lum


Genevieve Brazel

Good luck Reece!! I believe in you


Sophie Trenouth

GO ON REECE!! Wahooooo you got this!


Paui Williams

Well done Reece. We met you yesterday (Tue 11/6) when you popped into our Cancer Group Exercise Class.


Kasey Mason

All the best!


Mark Cruickshank

Go Reece!!


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Ian C Hutchison-strachan

So glad to have meet you on 6A South last year



Absolute legend!


Ruth Curran

Good luck Reece!


Wendy Bruce

Run Forest run!! Such an inspiration my friend ❤️


Michael Tarnawsky

Well done Reece you absolute legend!!


Courtney Burke

Reece you are amazing for all you do to raise money to help others on their recovery



Great cause ! You’ve got this !


Izzy Edwards

Go Reece!!! Always in awe of everything you do - you’ve got this!


Ryan Craig

You're an amazing man and I can't wait to see all the good your challenge will do!


Emily Hall

Insane effort! Amazing cause! Inspiring stuff! Thank you!


Matched Donation



Go champ!



Go Reece!


Martin Macrae

Amazing effort Reece, and for a great cause. Keep powering through 💪 From the Banchory 100 team in Scotland


David Je


Emily Ronan


Sinead Ayala

I'm so glad you have found your passion in running. I definitely don't share this passion but I understand the importance of engaging in things that 'fill your cup'. I'm very glad you found this for you and are now using it for such a great cause!


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Meg Dh


Tyne Ellis

Well done Reece!!! You got this 👍


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Louise Cleaver

You’re a bloody legend, an inspiration and mate to many people recovering in hospital.


Olivia Wright

Unreal effort & impact. Go Reece!!


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Best wishes for your challenge you legend!


Adrian Kea


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Sienna Willmett


Tennille Rowland


Renee De Maria


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Hayley Futcher

Go Reece! You can do it!


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Wendy Whalley


Bridgette Hewitson Bevis

We will come and support you.




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Helen Lee

Well done


Elise Reid

Go Reece! Amazing


Princess Carmelo

LEGEND! May you be blessed a thousand folds!


Rachel K

Reece, you're a bright light ⭐️


Ellen Macdougall

The world is too small… saw you on Justine’s fb story so had to donate! Amazing effort, glad you’re well! :)


Bridgette Hewitson Bevis

You are a legend Reece. Lots of love Bridgey and TM


Karen Lee-steere

Amazing effort Reece! You are such an insipation.


Eliza Watson

Absolute legend!




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