Juliette McAleer

Royal Run for Research

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

I'm raising funds for life-saving medical research!

This April, I'm participating in the Royal Run for Research to raise crucial funds for the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital. As a past inpatient and current outpatient of the hospital, I know first-hand how important the life-saving work of the hospital and its foundation are. I would not be alive without them! 

As a tube-fed athlete, I will be running with the feeding tube running vest made for me by STARS, another fantastic facility supported by the RBWHF. 

The money raised will support advancements in patient care and critical research that will help save lives like mine!

Please support my fundraiser! 

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jaroslava Bellingham

I wish you all the best with your challenge and raising money for important research.


Judy Greaves

I'm am also a long term patient at the Hospital and I think what you are doing is fantastic. I'll track your donations and top it up at the end so you can reach your goal. I'll also try and get my husband to donate. Good luck. Cheers Judy 😁


Frances Ross


Juliette Mcaleer

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