New colourful couches in the RBWH foyer are not only providing a peaceful place to sit, but are also helping visitors, like Robynne and Maurice (pictured), find their way around the hospital.
The RBWH Foundation CEO Simone Garske said “The new furniture’s colour scheme was part of a larger RBWH ‘Way Finding’ strategy. The strategy uses elements in the built environment, signage, pre-visit communications, and new technologies to help people navigate the hospital.”
The Ned Hanlon Building incorporates a green theme, the James Mayne Building uses orange and the Joyce Twedell Building is decorated with plum. The visual cues help remind patients and visitors which area of the hospital they are in.
Ms Garske said, “Foundation donors have funded these couches and many other refurbishments throughout RBWH. We are very grateful to these generous individuals, as I’m sure patients and visitors are as well.
“The area’s transformation not only makes the foyer more inviting, it also provides a quiet space for those either waiting to be collected or looking for alternative places to meet family and friends.”
Fabric designs used for much of the furniture are the work of renowned Walmatjarri artist Jimmy Pike.
“We hope patients, visitors and staff enjoy putting their feet up courtesy of the extraordinary power of giving,” said Ms Garske.
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