
ADCO returns for more make-over magic

22 Aug 2024

For the third year in a row, ADCO Constructions has performed make-over magic at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH), through their strong relationship with the RBWH Foundation. 

In July, the ADCO team dedicated their annual Community Day to renovating gardens at the entrance of RBWH, as well as in Oncology and Women's and Newborns Departments. 

“Our people have a deep connection with the RBWH either through personal experience or family and friend connections,” said ADCO Queensland State Manager James Prattent. 

“The RBWH provides benefit to so many families in the community, so we are privileged to be able to give back and further enhance the facility making it slightly easier for families in a time of need.” 

The RBWH Foundation values connection and collaboration with our corporate partners. If you too, would like to join us in saving and improving the lives of patients in need, click here.

Urbis Landscape Architects provided the ADCO team with some inspiration for the hospital’s brief of ‘fun, colourful and family friendly’, resulting in the painted mosaic murals. 

We always work closely with the organisation or charity to ensure the greatest benefit will be provided to the community,” explained James. 

“We meet with key stakeholders to initially discuss plans prior to visiting the site to scope work and create a detailed plan to undertake the works. Our people are highly skilled and we have great Trade Partners, such as Urbis Landscape Architects, to call upon so the day is always a great success.” 

Community has been central to the ADCO story for more than 50 years and in 2020, the company launched its first Community Day in New South Wales. Staff and project partners dedicate resources, expertise, and a full day of worktime to local projects. The ADCO Community Day now takes place in all states and is an annual calendar event. 

“ADCO’s community day is underpinned by the BRINSMEAD HILL FAMILY FOUNDATION,” said James. 

“The Foundation was established by our chairperson Judy Brinsmead AM and her son, Tom Hill, to formalise strong family values and grow ADCO’s capacity and reach in the community.” 

Every year, ADCO and the Foundation commit over $1,000,000 including staff hours, in support of local communities.  

?“With many of our people having used the RBWH facilities directly, we greatly appreciate all the effort and commitment provided by RBWH and its people,” said James. 

“On many occasions, people and families undergoing treatment are under a lot of stress and emotion so we hope by providing a bright and cheerful place it will bring them some joy in a time of need. If we can make just one person smile it is worth it, but we hope it provides many.”