
Show your support for all those colleagues who have been affected by illness or disease. Register a corporate team for the Royal Run for Research!

As one of Brisbane's oldest existing fundraising runs, the Royal Run for Research is a 30 day fitness challenge that raises critical funds for medical research and patient care initiatives conducted at Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (RBWH) and Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Services (STARS). 

To put it simply...just by running or walking this April and raising funds in your workplace, you will be funding life-saving and life-enhancing projects that simply would not happen without your support. 

After a short hiatus (thanks COVID), the Royal Run for Research is coming back in 2025 and is set to be bigger and better than ever!

Don't miss out! Early bird registrations are open until the 7 February. 

How it Works

1. Register

Sign up to the Royal Run for Research as a team.

2. Set your goals

Set your team kilometre (distance) and fundraising ($$) targets for the month of April.

3. Share

Share your fundraising page with friends, family and colleagues and raise funds for life-saving medical research!

4. Get moving

Stay active in April and track your kilometres as you go.

Taking part in the Royal Run for Research is a fun and easy way to invest in employee health and well-being, whilst helping to improve health outcomes for thousands of Queenslanders.

Rally the team and at the same time enhance:

  • Team morale: Whether it's through a bit of healthy inter-team competition or setting a joint goal, the Royal Run for Research can bring employees together and strengthen morale and relationships across your organisation.
  • Health and Wellbeing: There's nothing like a bit of fresh air and brisk exercise to boost mental health and productivity. Encourage employees to adopt healthier habits by training for the event, which can lead to increased energy and productivity at work.
  • Community Engagement: Demonstrate your company’s commitment to giving back, improving your reputation among employees, customers and stakeholders, whilst building stronger connections with the community.

Will your business go the extra mile?

Nothing incentivises team bonding more than a bit of in house competition! Consider registering multiple teams or even having your business match funds raised by your workplace team to encourage fundraising and reward them for their efforts. 

The extraordinary impact of corporate partners

For patients like Frank Van Bael, who was severely burnt in regional Queensland while working on an old car; survival takes a huge team of emergency and medical experts. 

But for patients to thrive, as well as survive, post-recovery, takes research and innovation backed by a huge team of supporters.

In 2020, the RBWH Foundation was honoured to partner with global miner, Anglo American, in a multi-year $1-million program of burns research and patient care innovation. 

"The Anglo American Skin, Burns and Wound grants have allowed us to assemble a diverse program of research, with each project acting as a piece of a larger puzzle that improves patient outcomes." - Dr Jason Brown, Burns Centre Director.


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